2007/07/06 | Take part in the beauty contest in 5DBlog (参加5D选美比赛)!
类别(我帅吧 Pics) | 评论(1) | 阅读(60) | 发表于 17:53

I am the most beautiful guy in the world!

If you don't agree...

I will bite you!


2006/07/14 | Mini Vizsla baby
类别(狗生琐事 Life) | 评论(0) | 阅读(272) | 发表于 11:48
Can you believe this? A vizsla in Jiangsu China just born such a mini vizsla baby. Take a look at the pics
2006/03/28 | [Forward]How to Care for a Vizsla
类别(我是谁 About) | 评论(4) | 阅读(100) | 发表于 10:39
Regal in appearance, the vizsla is a happy dog that enjoys just about anybody's company. They are an active breed and need a lot of exercise. The main key to a happy vizsla is an abundance of human affection.
2006/01/28 | Happy Chinese New Year!
类别(狗生琐事 Life) | 评论(1) | 阅读(38) | 发表于 10:18
Happy Chinese new year! Maybe I should find a girlfriend in the year of dog.

2006/01/12 | 你长得象你的狗狗吗?(Do you look like your dog?)
类别(我帅吧 Pics) | 评论(0) | 阅读(186) | 发表于 22:12
They say it is a contest
2006/01/11 | 狗狗排行榜(List of Dogs)
类别(我是谁 About) | 评论(4) | 阅读(1134) | 发表于 13:50
I am the No.25! Great me!


据美国哥伦比亚大学心理学教授stanley coren结合208位各地驯狗专家,63名小型动物兽医师,及14名研究警戒犬与护卫狗的专家对各著名犬种进行深入访谈观察,并在vancouver dog obedience club提供的大量相当有价值的资料下 ...
2006/01/09 | 漂亮的拳师MM(Pretty Woman)
类别(狗生感悟Thinking) | 评论(1) | 阅读(67) | 发表于 17:53
She is really a pretty boxer, isn't she? The scientists just translated her gene, good for the research of us dogs and benefits the humans a lot.
[upload=jpg]/user3/dogvv/upload/2006-01/9_412. ...
2006/01/04 | 世界上最丑的狗狗(Sam, the ugliest dog)
类别(狗生感悟Thinking) | 评论(1) | 阅读(197) | 发表于 22:10
He is dead now, I feel sorry for that. He had an unusual life, full of sadness and happiness. I hope he will live well in paradise.
His website:
2005/12/29 | 狗狗礼赞!(Tribute to the Dog)
类别(狗生感悟Thinking) | 评论(0) | 阅读(116) | 发表于 14:53
2005/12/23 | 瞧这哥俩(Take a look at the two brothers)
类别(我帅吧 Pics) | 评论(0) | 阅读(158) | 发表于 18:40
Bobby 和 泡泡,两个混北京的小流氓,大名波士顿梗。啥叫ċ
2005/11/01 | 讨厌洗澡(I hate bath time! Seriously!)
类别(我帅吧 Pics) | 评论(1) | 阅读(133) | 发表于 11:56



What? A bath agai ...
2005/12/18 | 一粒屎难倒英雄汉(Beaten by a piece of sh*t)
类别(狗生琐事 Life) | 评论(8) | 阅读(101) | 发表于 11:00
今天一大早,吃完饭,拉完屎屎,我就一屁股坐在Mouse ...
2005/11/10 | 无聊又无聊的一天又一天(The Endless Boring Days )
类别(狗生琐事 Life) | 评论(0) | 阅读(59) | 发表于 23:12
I have stayed in the city apartment for almost a month and a half since my master came back here to prepare for her test. Now the test finished long ago, but she is busy doing other things. Every day I have to stay in the boring room,only at late night they would take me downstairs for a walk. D ...
2005/09/23 | 狗狗去势过程(The Dog Neuter Procedure)
类别(狗生琐事 Life) | 评论(4) | 阅读(202) | 发表于 10:28
The Dog Neuter Procedure ...
2005/09/16 | 宠物食品里有什么?(what's really in pet food?)
类别(狗生琐事 Life) | 评论(0) | 阅读(514) | 发表于 09:36
宠物食品里到底有些什么? ...