2006/01/09 | 漂亮的拳师MM(Pretty Woman)
类别(狗生感悟Thinking) | 评论(1) | 阅读(67) | 发表于 17:53
She is really a pretty boxer, isn't she? The scientists just translated her gene, good for the research of us dogs and benefits the humans a lot.
[upload=jpg]/user3/dogvv/upload/2006-01/9_412. ...
2006/01/04 | 世界上最丑的狗狗(Sam, the ugliest dog)
类别(狗生感悟Thinking) | 评论(1) | 阅读(197) | 发表于 22:10
He is dead now, I feel sorry for that. He had an unusual life, full of sadness and happiness. I hope he will live well in paradise.
His website:
2005/12/29 | 狗狗礼赞!(Tribute to the Dog)
类别(狗生感悟Thinking) | 评论(0) | 阅读(119) | 发表于 14:53
2004/12/28 | 他们说:人生就象大便(People say:Life is like shit)
类别(狗生感悟Thinking) | 评论(3) | 阅读(391) | 发表于 21:55